Earthquake During Lasik Eye Surgery
Lasik Surgery Amidst Earthquake Event
Lasik Surgery Amidst Earthquake Event
Contact Form for LASIK, Pterygium, and Pie Surgery Consultation
Expert LA Surgeon for LASIK, Cataract Surgery, Implants, and Pterygium Treatment
Graceful Aging: Tips and Strategies for a Healthy and Fulfilling Life
Mastering Your Golf Game: Finding the Perfect Balance Between Clubs, Balls, and Technique
Post-Cataract Surgery Care: Guidelines and Instructions for a Smooth Recovery
Preparing for Cataract Surgery: Guidelines and Instructions to Follow Before the Procedure
Postoperative Instructions:
At the end of your procedure you will be given a hand out with detailed after care instructions such as what drops to instill and how often, as well as do’s and don’ts during recovery. It is normal to have the following symptoms: Watering eyes & nose, light sensitivity, redness and swelling of eye, or the feeling that something is in your eye. Vision may be foggy, like seeing under water. We recommend going home and relaxing for the duration of the day. Try to rest and sleep immediately following your procedure. Your eyes will feel most comfortable when closed.