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Eye Disease

Eyes on the Prize: How Good Vision Saves the Day!

  • 4 min read

Eyes are the windows to the soul, but they also serve a critical function in our daily lives. Good vision is crucial when it comes to preventing accidents, being productive, and enjoying life to the fullest. In this article, we’ll explore the many ways that eyesight impacts our lives and why it’s important to take care of our eyes. So sit back, relax, and let’s explore the world through our eyes!

Ophthalmology: Understanding & Treating Medical Conditions of the Human Eye

  • 4 min read

Ophthalmology is the medical science of the eyes, from how they work to treatments for conditions like cataracts and glaucoma. This intricate field covers the messages from the eye to the brain, the anatomy of the eye and the complex way the pupil adjusts to light. Ophthalmology also involve treatments to conditions such as glaucoma which can be impacted by cataracts and cataract surgery. Learn how these treatments can sometimes be combined for the best results.

Lipiflow Brings Tears to The Eye

  • 4 min read

Say goodbye to dry eyes with Lipiflow, a revolutionary new treatment that uses thermal pulsation technology to improve the quality of your tears and provide long-lasting relief from dry eyes. With up to 79% of patients reporting significant improvements in their symptoms, it could be the solution you’ve been looking for. Schedule a consultation with an eye doctor today to learn more!

Dry eyes? Let IPL save the day!

  • 3 min read

Are your eyes feeling dry and itchy? Don’t fret! IPL therapy may just be the solution you need.