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Lipiflow Brings Tears to The Eye

  • 4 min read

Say goodbye to dry eyes with Lipiflow, a revolutionary new treatment that uses thermal pulsation technology to improve the quality of your tears and provide long-lasting relief from dry eyes. With up to 79% of patients reporting significant improvements in their symptoms, it could be the solution you’ve been looking for. Schedule a consultation with an eye doctor today to learn more!

Dry eyes? Let IPL save the day!

  • 3 min read

Are your eyes feeling dry and itchy? Don’t fret! IPL therapy may just be the solution you need.

Neuroplasticity and Neuroadaptation: How Brain Adjusts to Age and Environmental Changes

  • 6 min read

Learn more about neuroadaptation and the brain’s capacity for plasticity with this article. Through an exploration of the processes of neuroadaptation, discover how the brain can adapt to various stimuli, changes in the environment, and even injury. Find out what areas of the brain are involved in neuroadaptation, as well as its role in presbyopic implant surgery. Plus, learn more about the concept of neuroplasticity and its relevance to age and learning.