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Presbyopia Implants: ReSTOR+2.5 D vs. ReSTOR+3.0 D Reviewed

  • 3 min read


ReSTOR ® +2.5 D IOL with ACTIVEFOCUSTM optical layout for the patients with energetic lifestyles, such as those who

  • Participate in activities requiring more intermediate (53 cm/21 in) and distance (4 m/13 ft.) vision
  • Are not willing to compromise distance vision for a full range of vision
  • Desire more opportunity for a range of vision versus mono-focal
  • Might prefer an alternative to mono-vision
  • Desire increased spectacle independence

The ACTIVEFOCUS optical layout is crafted to take those patients’ distance vision a step further while offering the well balanced near as well as intermediate efficiency with the objective of reducing spectacle dependency for tasks like:

  • Driving and dashboard viewing while driving
  • Playing or watching live sports
  • Attending theater or performance events live

* Active-lifestyle individuals join activities that need intermediate as well as distance vision such as golf, tennis, home cleaning and also driving.


Using sharp distance vision plus well balanced efficiency at near as well as intermediate focal points, the AcrySof® IQ ReSTOR®+2.5 D IOL features:

  • 7 diffractive steps
  • 3.4 mm diameter diffractive region (8.4 mm2 total diffractive area)
  • Large peripheral zone that allocates more light to distance as pupil size increases
  • 0.94 mm-diameter central refractive zone dedicated fully (100%) to distance vision
  • -0.2 μm negative asphericity

The result?

  • ReSTOR ® +2.5 D IOL designates a lot more light to the distance focal point at every pupil size, however particularly in mesopic problems.

Light distribution at a 3.0 mm pupil aperture:

  • Distance: 69.4%
  • Near: 18.0%
  • Total: 87.4%

ReSTOR®+3.0 D Multifocal IOL

Ophthalmologists should recommend IQ ReSTOR ® +3.0 D IOL with a pupil-adaptive layout for their appropriate patients who desire:

  • A broad range of vision from 16 inches (40 cm) to distance
    • The greatest opportunity for spectacle independence
    • To engage in a variety of activities requiring near, intermediate and distant focal points

Developed to minimize spectacle dependency in all distances for the broadest array of vision, this sophisticated IOL can aid your patients refocus on the activities they love:

  • Reading
    • Cooking
    • Playing cards
    • Watching TV

Pupil-Adaptive Optic Design

Providing exceptional performance at whatsoever distances, the AcrySof ® IQ ReSTOR ® +3.0 D IOL includes a pupil-adaptive optical layout crafted to maximize efficiency in all lighting conditions with the following features:

  • 9 diffractive steps spaced closer together
  • A larger diffractive region (3.6 mm diameter, 10.2 mm2 area)
  • A 0.86 mm-diameter central diffractive zone dedicated 60% to the near focal point (40% to distance)
  • Negative asphericity of -0.1 μm

The result?

ReSTOR ® +3.0 D IOL disperses light much more uniformly in between the near and distance focal points in photopic problems, preferring distance much more as the pupil broadens in mesopic problems.

Light distribution at a 3.0 mm pupil aperture:

  • Distance: 59.0%
  • Near: 25.5%
  • Total: 84.5%

We would like to summarize that both ReSTOR+2.5 D VS ReSTOR+3.0 D are PIE manufactured by Alcon. Dr. Khanna has experience with both the styles.

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