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iDesign or Painless LASIK – The difference revealed

  • 1 min read

We have come a long way since we first started doing lasik eye surgery. Just when we thought we have reached the peak of the procedure scientists and engineers teamed together to give us two modifications to make the process safer more accurate and yes PAINLESS.

In the above video we highlight the differences between the two techniques. Most patients have preferred painless lasik. Let us correct that statement. All patients have preferred painless Lasik option causing a shift in how we treat the eyes and use our multiple lasers.

Would yo like the painless lasik technique? if so call us

Another point – lot of centers which are not able to offer the painless lasik technique utilizing visumax laser by Zeiss have started confusing consumers giving fancy names to their old painful method. Dont be surprised if yo hear ilasik, Zlasik, Nlasik and son on. The inital letter in these names is not highlighting a new procedure but is the first letter of laser used. So i for intralase, z for Zeimer and N for Nidek.

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