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Evo ICL vs LASIK: Pros and Cons of Each Procedure

  • 5 min read
A close-up of the implantable lens used in the EVO ICL procedure

Humans use their eyes to engage with and participate in the world around them. Thus, nearsightedness can cause frustration, dependence on glasses or contacts, and even impact mood. As a result, many individuals with myopia seek out a solution that will restore their distance vision of life. The two most common surgical options are EVO ICL surgery and LASIK.

Any decision you make about your eyes requires careful thought and consideration. In this guide, we’ll compare EVO ICL vs LASIK to provide a comprehensive overview of both procedures. We’ll explain differences in candidacy, as well as the pros and cons of each. It’s an informative starting place if you’re planning to discuss your options with an eye surgeon.

Continue reading to learn more about the vision correction procedure that’s right for you.

EVO ICL Surgery vs LASIK Surgery: What Are They?

EVO ICL and LASIK are vastly distinct procedures that yield similar results. The goal of each is to restore distance vision to individuals with nearsightedness, also called myopia.

The biggest difference between the two procedures is that, unlike LASIK, EVO Visian ICL surgery is reversible. Thus, some patients feel more confident committing to that solution over LASIK. While LASIK has more than a 90% efficacy rate, it is permanent.

What Is EVO Visian ICL Surgery?

During the EVO ICL procedure, a surgeon creates a small incision in the eye. The surgeon then implants a special corrective lens in front of the eye’s natural lens. The new lens is flexible and 100% biocompatible. That means it works with the components of your natural eye to help achieve crystal-clear vision.

The procedure takes approximately 20 minutes per eye. All patients are numbed before their surgery. Many also choose to take an oral sedative for relaxation. Most patients agree that the procedure is painless.

Likewise, the majority of EVO ICL patients notice an immediate improvement in their vision.

What is LASIK Eye Surgery?

LASIK is an initialism that stands for Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis. During this procedure, an eye surgeon uses a laser to physically change the shape of the cornea. This helps to correct refractive errors causing common vision issues, such as nearsightedness.

Your surgeon will numb your eye, and then create a small flap in the outer layer of your cornea. They will need to remove a small amount of corneal tissue to achieve the ideal result. The specialized laser ensures precision and prevents damage to the eye. When the shape is correct, the surgeon will replace the corneal flap.

There are different types of LASIK, including painless LASIK and incision-free SUPER LASIK. Most patients begin to notice an improvement in their vision several days after surgery.

A patient about to receive LASIK eye surgery

Candidacy for EVO Visian ICL vs LASIK

Not all patients are ideal candidates for LASIK. For example, those with higher-order myopia are traditionally not ideal candidates.

Dry eye can be a side effect of LASIK. Individuals with existing dry eye or presbyopia may also be poor candidates. The thickness of your corneas can also disqualify you from pursuing laser procedures.

EVO Visian ICL is often an excellent alternative for those who do not qualify for LASIK. The EVO ICL procedure does not require the removal of any corneal tissue. Thus, those with irregular corneas can benefit. It can even help keratoconus patients restore vision after their condition has stabilized.

Both conditions are effective for individuals with astigmatism.

With the above in mind, the only way to confirm candidacy for either procedure is to consult an eye surgeon.

EVO ICL vs LASIK: Pros and Cons

The pros of the EVO ICL procedure include:

  • Works on individuals with more severe myopia
  • Does not cause dry eye
  • Preserves night vision
  • Can be reversed
  • Preserves the corneal tissue

The cons of the EVO ICL procedure include: 

  • Somewhat more invasive than LASIK
  • Requires more recovery time than LASIK
  • Somewhat more expensive than LASIK

The pros of the LASIK procedure include: 

  • Corrects the majority of refractive errors
  • Less invasive than EVO ICL
  • Quicker recovery time than EVO ICL
  • On average, costs less than EVO ICL

The cons of the LASIK procedure include:

  • Not suitable for those with severe myopia or irregular corneas
  • Some risk of flap-related complications
  • Can cause dry eye in some patients
  • May become less effective as age-related eye conditions set in

EVO ICL Cost vs LASIK Cost

As a general rule, EVO ICL costs somewhat more than LASIK. According to a report in Clinical Ophthalmology, the average national cost for LASIK is $2,632 per eye. This figure can be higher in areas with a higher cost of living, such as Beverly Hills.

Because many factors go into the cost of EVO ICL, it’s harder to determine an average price. The cost tends to range between $4,000 and $5,000 per eye. This is dependent on the type of lens chosen for your procedure.

Furthermore, the experience of your surgeon can also play a role. We advise you to avoid any clinic where the price seems “too good to be true.” Instead, look into vision insurance, financing options, or using an HSA to pay for your procedure. 

Is ICL Better Than LASIK?: Final Considerations

When comparing EVO Visian ICL vs LASIK, neither is objectively “better” than the other. Ultimately, your surgeon will help you determine which of the two procedures is ideal for you. Some patients appreciate that LASIK offers an effective, permanent solution with a short healing time. Other patients find peace of mind knowing EVO ICL is reversible and does not have many side effects.

The best way to determine which procedure is right for you is to consult with an eye surgeon. Schedule a free consultation at Khanna Institute and let your journey toward a clearer vision begin.

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