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Unique ICL Surgery or Implantable Collamer Lens

  • 12 min read

ICL Surgery : Description Am I Candiate? Cost Risks

Do you wear thick glasses or high-powered contact lenses? Are you aware your astigmatism is compounding the problem? You may have even visited a Lasik surgeon but been told your cornea is too thin or your prescription is too high, or they might have said the prescription is too much for your cornea.

ICL Surgery
ICL Surgery by DrRajesh Khanna MD

In all these situations another alternative is ICL surgery or implantable collamer lens. Sometimes even when Lasik could be attempted, in higher prescriptions ICL surgery may be safer and give better outcomes. You may wonder what’s the difference between Lasik and ICL.

Lasik is a subtractive surgery – that means tissue is removed by excimer laser. ICL surgery is an additive surgery that is an implantable collamer lens is inserted into the eye. Interestingly reversal of Lasik has to be done by further subtraction of tissue whereas in an additive surgery like ICL, it could be easily reversed simply by removing the implanted lens.

So who are good candidates for ICL

People with very high myopia with or without astigmatism, people with moderate nearsightedness with or without astigmatism where the cornea is too thin and finally keratoconus patients who cannot have laser refractive surgery performed.

Actually in the United States FDA has approved ICL surgery from minus three upwards. Here we have not got hyperopic ICL as that has not been deemed safe by FDA till date.

Staar Visian ICL™

Staar Visian ICL surgery (Implantable Collamer Lens) offers another solution to permanently correct refractive vision problems, such as myopia. Staar Visian ICL™ is a surgical alternative to other refractive laser procedures, such as LASIK or LASEK.

It can even be performed for high nearsightedness when Lasik eye surgery is not possible for safety reasons. It is FDA approved for use in Los Angeles.

Description of Staar Visian ICL surgery

The VISIAN ICL surgery is a refractive phakic implant intended for placement in the posterior chamber of the eye. This is the region between the colored part of the eye, or iris, and the clear natural lens.

The approved models are indicated for the correction of myopia or nearsightedness in adults of the age group 21 to 45 years with myopia ranging from -3.0 to less than or equal to -20.0 diopters with astigmatism less than or equal to 2.5 diopters at the spectacle plane.

In patients 21 to 45 years of age, the approved models can allow the reduction of myopia in adults ranging from greater than -15.0 to -20.0 diopters with astigmatism less than or equal to 2.5 diopters at the spectacle plane. The anterior chamber depth (ACD) 3.00 mm or greater is optimal.

This is the distance form the cornea to the natural lens. Another point of importance is a stable refractive history within 0.5 diopters for one year prior to implantation is necessary.

The Visian ICL surgery are also termed as Implantable Contact Lenses. They are similar to other refractive lenses, but they differ in the material used to create them. The collamer used to create the Staar Visian ICL™ is biocompatible, making it better for the eye than other Implantable Lenses made from acrylic or silicone.

Advantages of ICL surgery (EYE SEE L)

  1. The quality of vision in high nearsighted patients may be better with Staar Visian ICL surgery.
  2. Recovery is faster than with PRK.
  3. Staar Visian ICL surgery does not interfere in corneal shape, so in the future when a person needs cataract surgery it would be simpler to calculate the lens required.
  4. It can even be performed when Lasik eye surgery is not an option.
  5. There is no need to remove the ICL surgery at night like you do with contact lenses.
  6. The risk of infection with Staar Visian ICL surgery is less than with ordinary contact lenses.

Placing the Staar Visian ICL™

The procedure used with Staar Visian™ ICL surgery is very similar to cataract surgery. During cataract surgery, the eye’s natural lens is removed and an Intra-Ocular Lens (IOL) is implanted in its place. During surgery for the Staar Visian ICL™, the lens is placed between the eye’s natural lens and the iris (the colored part of your eye).

“My vision is better than I could have ever imagined. This is something anyone who has had problems with vision has to experience for themselves.” – Ammie Duer

The Staar Visian ICL™ is implanted through a very small incision made in the cornea. The softness of the Staar Visian ICL™ allows it to be folded, making the necessary incision smaller than what is needed during other ICL surgery procedures.

The Staar Visian ICL™ stays in place using four specialized corners called haptics. These haptics are attached directly to the iris. With the ICL surgery in place, it helps refract light correctly into the eye, allowing you to see more clearly.

Recovery from Implantable Collamer Lens

Recovery is quick after the ICL surgery procedure. Most people return to work in a day or two.

Alternatives to ICL surgery operation

Lasik may be an option if you are a candidate. If you are above fifty years of age than PIE may be your choice for getting rid of dependency on glasses and contact lenses.

Preventing Risks of Implantable Contact Lens operation

There are two important risks of the ICL surgery implant procedure. Cataracts are a risk that may occur in a few patients. This is why the anterior chamber depth has to measured and found satisfactory.

The surgeon must be skilled enough to perform surgery very delicately, without damaging the natural lens. Angle Closure Glaucoma is another important side effect. This can be prevented by making two channels in the colored part of the eye. Less common side effects include corneal edema and glare.

Contraindication to Staar Visian Implants

If you are far sighted, that means you need glasses for far and you are not eligible for ICL. FDA has not approved ICL surgery for hyperopic patients. If you are above fifty years old, or have cataracts, then you may have other choices.

Risks and Problems Associated with Visian ICL Surgery

Visian ICL is probably the most advanced technology present in the market today for vision correction. However, as with any other medical procedure, its benefits do not come without risks. There are a few possible Visian ICL surgery problems that patients may encounter and should be aware of:

Over-correction and Under-correction

Although a skilled surgeon makes use of the 3D advanced technology to make measurements before surgery, the measurements are not always perfect. Therefore, over-corrections and under-corrections can occur.

Similar to other refractive procedures, under-correction in Visian ICL surgery can be fixed with an additional procedure, or with continued use of prescriptive eye wear.


Infection is not a very common risk or problem, but since the procedure involves a small form of manipulation there still is a slight risk of eye infection which could delay the healing process.

Night Glare and Halos

Halos and night glare are the most common side effect of any refractive surgery. Visian ICL surgery patients may experience night glare and halos but the cases are less compared to those who have Lasik.

Damage to Natural Lens

Because Visian ICL surgery is positioned inside of the eye, there is a potential risk of it touching the natural lens. This could result in less opacity of the lens, and in extreme cases, it may lead to the need to replace the natural lens with a synthetic lens.

Iridotomy Complications

The process of iridotomy, making a small opening near the edges of the iris using a laser, is done during Visian ICL surgery. Although complications from iridotomy are very rare, it could lead to inflammation, corneal damage, scar formation, and intraocular pressure increase.

Pressure problems

Sometimes the new lens inserted in the eye prevents the movement of fluid. This leads to an increased accumulation of the eye fluid behind the colored part of the eye. This can be painful and the surgeon must be immediately informed. The pressure needs to be brought down medically or surgically.


There may be a mismatch between the size of the lens and the space in the eye. This causes the lens to move forward and is called anterior vaulting. This may also result in increased intraocular pressure, as mentioned above.

So far, out of the 300,000+ eyes with Visian ICL surgery, there has been less than 1% of complications post procedure. The problems and risks associated with Visian ICL should be thoroughly discussed by your doctor before the procedure is agreed upon and performed.

Visian ICL surgery is a great option for people with high powers, or people who cannot wear soft lenses. We hope this information on Risks and Problems Associated with Visian ICL will prove helpful in your researc

Visian ICL Cost


Visian ICL costs can vary between $4999 to $6999 per eye in Los Angeles (as of 2021)

When Lasik or laser eye surgery is not an option, a person can consider Implantable Collamer Lenses (ICL). ICL gives better vision in high nearsightedness.

Visian ICL Cost

Just as the cost of hearing aides depend on the kind of hearing aid one would need as per the recommendations of their audiologist, the cost of Visian ICL also depends largely, if not wholly, on your eye specialist’s or doctor’s recommendations.

As a rule of thumb, your doctor knows you best when it comes to your medical conditions and body behavior. As far as the Visian ICL product is concerned, it is a high definition, premium product and with that it brings all the benefits and advantages of premium products.

However, it is advisable to contact your Visian ICL surgeon for your financial plans and options.

Good things not only take time; they cost more as well!

There was a time when HDTV was not available, so when you watched TV you didn’t realize what you were missing. After their arrival, they were not affordable by all.

How did you feel when you watched your favorite sports team, your favorite television series or your favorite movie on an HDTV? You realized that you were missing something with your regular television.

Not that regular TVs are bad, but the HDTV is better! Of course, the HDTV costs more and this is not only true for HDTV, but for all the premium products that come out in the market.

Something that is genuinely good always costs more. The reason it costs more is that it gives more. Good products speak for themselves. The consumer doesn’t need a salesman to convince them, nor a marketing campaign.

When you had your first look at an HDTV, once you went back to seeing your television you probably felt something was missing out of life . Why this example? Well, imagine you get all the features of an HDTV for all the time that you are awake, what would you do? It’s not really much of a choice, is it?

Long term benefits are always more important than short term gains. Visian ICL is like the HDTV. By logic it costs more than other refractive procedures, but the benefits and results are worth the higher costs.

Visian ICL is a new technology recently approved by the FDA for vision correction. Find out how Visian ICL can benefit you if you have cataracts or astigmatism.

The price that non-Visian procedures impose:

On an average a person spends around $415 per year on their eyeglasses and contact lenses. This is, of course, an average depiction and one could always expect things to go on either side.

Add to this the cost of:

  • Eye drops
  • Cleaning solutions
  • Yearly exams
  • Prescription sunglasses
  • Replacing glasses and contact lenses
  • Locating lost glasses
  • Travel hassles of wearing contact lenses

And the time:

Think about a typical lens case and solution and how much time would you spend daily on caring about your lenses? 5 minutes? 15 minutes? Let’s take 10 minutes. How much time you would spend yearly? 30-90 hours!

Does that not sound like too much time for something so trivial? What is your time worth? Let’s say $20/hr. That yields a cool $1800!

Average Visian ICL Cost

Market scope results say that in United States, on an average, the spending for Implantable Contact Lens treatment is $4800 per eye in 2021. That’s only an average.

Based on great technology and successful results, you can definitely expect to pay a price that is a premium for a state-of-the-art treatment. Want to know more? Just contact your nearest qualified vision doctor.


Many surgeons provide monthly payment options that range over a period of time. This method allows the Visian ICL to be affordable for more patients. The plans can range from 6 months to 60 months.

We provide the option of 36 equal installments, with no interest and no prepayment penalty. The plans can be set up based on what you can afford to spend each month, without causing financial strain.

Monthly payments can be as low as a night out! Contact our friendly counselors at Khanna Vision Institute to learn more about your affordable financing options for ICL.

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